Privacy policy.

We want to ensure at Kindred Folk we are providing the most professional, relaxed,
and safe sessions that we can to our community.

  • Assumption of Risk and Release:

    You agree on your own behalf and on behalf of your child that your child is voluntarily participating in a Nature Play Group with full knowledge of the risks of doing so, such as the risks of bodily injury, property damage, or death resulting from the use of materials and/or use of the space.

    You further agree to release Kindred Folk Group/Rebecca Harden; the Program sponsors, and suppliers and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, and exhibitors (collectively, “we” or “us”) from any and all liability, claims, damage, or demands arising from or related to your child’s participation in Kindred Folk Nature Play sessions except to the extent of any legal caused directly by our wrongful or negligent conduct not contributed to by your own or your child’s conduct. I represent and warrant to Kindred Folk Group/Rebecca Harden that I have carefully read this waiver and release form and understand and agree to its contents and that Kindred Folk Group/Rebecca Harden is relying on this waiver to allow my child to participate in a nature play course. I understand that by signing my acceptance, I expressly waive, in perpetuity, any rights I have to bring a claim against or sue Kindred Folk Group/Rebecca Harden or its agents for personal injuries, death, or property damages unless personal injury or death is due to Kindred Folk Group education’s negligence or willful misconduct.

    I further understand that this is a contract that limits my legal rights and that it is binding upon me, my heirs, and legal representatives, and I have signed this agreement with a full understanding of its content and voluntarily.

    I accept that as a parent/guardian that I take full responsibility of my child/children while at Kindred Folk Group sessions. We are not a day-care; you are to watch your child/children at all times to ensure their safety.

    I give permission for my child/children as well as myself to be photographed and video recorded for the purposes of advertising on Kindred Folk Group social media platforms as well as printed media.

    Release and Waiver - I hereby agree as follows:

    • I release, waive Kindred Folk Group/Rebecca Harden from any and all liability for any personal injury, loss, property damages or expense arising out of or sustained in the course of my child’s participation in Kindred Folk Groups sessions. Negligence on the part of the Releases to safeguard or protect my child from the risks, dangers, and hazards referred to above, and including any duty of care owed under the Occupiers Liability Act.

    • I agree that Kindred Folk Group/Rebecca Harden is not responsible in the event of loss, damage, unauthorised use, theft or injury resulting from and to any personal property that my child or I bring onto the premises.

    • I recognise that this Agreement and Release and Waiver is a legal contract and that it is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by Australian law.

    • I have read this document carefully and I fully understand its contents and meaning. I recognize that by signing this document I am waiving certain legal rights, including the right to sue and I sign it of my own free will.

    All events are non-refundable and can only be rescheduled to a make up day at the end of the month if booked in for a series. Use & payment of our services constitutes your acceptance of our terms & conditions. Please review our privacy policy page.

    Apon booking these terms above will be available to agree with prior to booking/payment for service.

  • “Kindred Folk” acknowledges that we are creating, discovering and playing on Gubbi Gubbi/Kabi Kabi Land. We recognize the Gubbi Gubbi/Kabi Kabi people whose land we play, discover and learn on. We thank them for caring for the land and the waterways and value the sharing of their knowledge and stories. We pay our respects to Elders, past, present and emerging from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. We look forward to caring for our Country together today, tomorrow and in the future.

Kindred Folk is kindness;
To self, To others,
To Mama Earth
Showing our children the way.